St Wick – 2mm/N Gauge

St Wick is an N gauge layout with a two-platform station and a small locomotive/servicing shed. The layout is 5ft x 1ft and can be set up on a 6ft table or its own legs. The original idea behind this layout was to design a layout which could be set up and taken down within 10 minutes and maximising the small space available on the main board.

The track, points and point motors are all Peco and the stock used is a mixture or Dapol and Graham Farish based around the 1980s and 1990s.

The layout is owned by a member of the Sodbury Vale Model Railway Club based just outside Bristol.

Details for Exhibition Managers

Contact:                                 Alex

E-mail:                                    [email protected]

Min footprint req’d:            5ft x 1ft (needs 6ft x 6ft to operate)

Power required:                 1x 13Amp (Load less than 500W)

Insurance value:                  £1,500

Other:                                    Please supply 6ft table if possible

No of operators:                 2/3

Transport:                             Layout fits in 1 car and comes from the Yate area (north of Bristol)