York Gardens 4mm OO Shunting Puzzle

York Gardens

York Gardens is a minimum space inglenook shunting puzzle with a scenic backdrop that includes a high level line running across the back of the layout.  The layout is designed to be operated by visitors who are invited to form a train of wagons in an order determined by picking cards from a pack.

The trackplan consists of only two points and three sidings. As with most shunting puzzles, the longest siding holds 5 wagons, while the two others have a capacity of 3 wagons each.  The headshunt allows for the engine plus 3 wagons.  When operating, a total of 8 wagons plus one engine are used.  While 8 wagons may sound modest, this still provides 6,720 different possible permutations.  The stock has been fitted with Spratt and Winkle couplings to allow for hands-free shunting.

The lower level track is PECO code 75 and the buildings and architectural features are made from the Scalescenes range of products.  A shuttle unit drives a loco or a DMU across the back of the layout at regular intervals.

If you have any questions or want to have a go then please do not hesitate to ask!

Exhibition details:

Contact:                               Steve Douglas (SVMRC Club Secretary )

E-mail:                                 [email protected]

Layout size:                        7ft x 15inches (a 6ft x 2ft table is required for support)

                                                The layout is operated from the front

Power required:               1x 13Amp

Insurance value:              £1,250.00

Other:                                   The layout has its own lighting rig

No of operators:               2

Transport:                           Layout is transportable by car from the Yate area