About the Club

The Sodbury Vale Model Railway Club was first formed in the mid ’70s and for a while met in a room at the back of The George Public House in Chipping Sodbury.  After a number of temporary homes, including a caravan, nowadays the club leases its premises. Most of our members live in South Gloucestershire; some travel from Bristol, Portishead and Chepstow. We’ve organised a Model Railway Exhibition usually in the first quarter of the year and in 2024 we had our very first Open Day.  As a club we cater for modellers interested in various scales, 2mm/N, 4mm/OO, 4mm fine scale, 7mm/O and various narrow gauges including OO9 and O-14.

We have a membership of about 25, most of whom are active modellers. But, we also have a number of social members who come along for a natter and to partake in the cakes and coffee that are a regular feature of our morning meetings. The club test track (OO and N) is used regularly by members testing and running their stock. This allows us to run a variety of gauges of stock including EM and P4. 

We’ve members with a variety of skills including loco building, spray painting and weathering, electronics, track construction, architectural buildings and railway scenics. Members are encouraged to help others to learn and develop new skills by working on both club projects and their own projects including layouts.

We regularly support local MRC exhibitions with layouts (and occasionally not so local) exhibitions. 

If you are interested in joining the club please contact the Club Secretary,

email Steve Douglas at:  [email protected]